- Program approach into Garmin GTN 750i
- Track the approach procedure using NAVGPSS mode.
- Begin descent at IAF in PITCH, VS, or IAS mode.
- Recommended altitude at FAF is 1500 feet AGL.
- Begin descent at IAF in PITCH, VS, or IAS mode.
- Prepare for turn towards FAF.
- Press APR once established on the inbound course to arm vertical guidance.
- Lateral mode transitions to APRGPSL and tracks GPS lateral deviations when the CDI <1 dot (50%).
- Vertical mode transitions to GPSV and tracks GPS vertical deviations when the GDI <1 dot (50%).
- Press APR once established on the inbound course to arm vertical guidance.
- At the DH or MAP, disconnect AP to execute either a manual landing or GA, respectively.