Common Navigation Tools
01.02.01 Common Navigation Tools 01.02.05 Non-Directional Beacons (NDBs) 01.03.01 NextGen 01.03.02 NextGen Technologies 01.03.03 Early GPS History 01.03.04 General Aviation Adopts GPS 01.03.05 GPS upgrades navigational accuracy and situational awareness. 01.02.04 The VOR MON 01.02.03 The VOR Minimum Operational Network (MON) 01.02.02 VORTransitioning to NexGen
Technologically Advanced Aircraft
“TAA,” or Technologically Advanced Aircraft, referred to any aircraft equipped with three FAA defined components installed:
An electronic primary flight display (PFD) with at least airspeed, attitude, heading, and vertical speed indicators along with an altimeter and turn coordinator; an electronic multifunction display (MFD) with at least a GPS moving map that displays aircraft position; an integrated two axis autopilot.